Blog Post
We're sick of hearing about the LGBTQs! Why should we care?

Reading time: 3 minutes

We have seen everyone rushing to give their "opinion" about LGBTQI people, because of the same-sex marriage bill that will be submitted for a vote. We hear politicians, church representatives, celebrities, and anyone with access to social media - that is, everyone - their heavy-handed opinions that are mostly centered around perversion, sin, and generally a dehumanization of a social minority simply because they have a sexual orientation or gender identity that differs from that of the majority. These "views" expressed with anger and "concern" about degrading morality and the breakdown of the traditional family idea are not just views. They are abusive discourse.

"And why bother?" friends and colleagues say to me. " Extreme views don't change?" I admit, at first, I thought yes they are right, why waste my time and energy? However, I decided to voice my opinion as a mental health professional, as a psychologist who has worked with and done doctoral research on LGBTQ people and their health and as a human being above all else. I want to focus my gaze on the LGBTQI communities.

I want to address the LGBTQ Ichildren and adolescents who, at an essential and sensitive developmental period of their lives, are trying to make sense of the world, of others and themselves, and are bombarded with hate, lies and profanity for simply existing. A situation that leads to higher rates of mental stress. But also to LGBTQI adults who survived this crushing boulder of their authenticity by either staying in the closet with dire consequences for their mental health or trying to heal their wounds by living their truth. My point is that no, LGBTQI people are not mentally ill because of their identity. Dozens of scientific and research associations around the world support this. The British Psychological Society, the American Psychological Association,  the American Psychiatric Association, the Hellenic Psychiatric Association, the Greek Psychological Society, etc.

Life's realities and research have shown that LGBTQI people can live meaningful and successful lives: at the personal, professional and social levels. They can happily form healthy relationships and families and raise loving and supportive children in a world that is already harsh. In my research on LGBTQ people living with MS, the importance  of companionate and supportive relationships and communities emerged, and this is another reason why we need to strengthen these relationships:

"I think it was the day after the diagnosis, I said to him I totally understand if you leave our relationship because it could possibly be MS, being in a wheelchair and stuff like that. And he said, no, we'll get through this together, everything will be fine, there's no way, these are the times when we need to be there for each other more than ever, not times when we need to think about leaving or anything else." (Samuel, p.150)

Anything said that is contrary to the human nature and the ability of LGBTQI individuals to give and receive healthy love is profoundly unscientific and mentally abusive to these individuals. I started with the negative connotations of society, but I'll finish with the change that is coming. There is a shift in society towards acceptance as the majority of the younger generation (gen z) supports equal rights; this fills me with hope.


Madireddy, S., & Madireddy, S. (2022). Supportive model for the improvement of mental health and prevention of suicide among LGBTQ+ youth. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 27(1),85–101.

Marchi, M., Travascio, A., Uberti, D., De Micheli, E.,Quartaroli, F., Laquatra, G., Grenzi, P., Pingani, L., Ferrari, S., Fiorillo,A., Converti, M., Pinna, F., Amaddeo, F., Ventriglio, A., Mirandola, M., &Galeazzi, G. M. (2023b). Microaggression toward LGBTIQ people and implications for mental health: A systematic review. International Journal of SocialPsychiatry.

McConnachie, A., Ayed, N., Foley, S., Lamb, M. E., Jadva, V.,Tasker, F., & Golombok, S. (2020). Adoptive Gay Father Families: ALongitudinal study of Children’s Adjustment at Early Adolescence. Child Development, 92(1), 425–443.

Papaloukas, P. (2021). The lived experience of LGBTQ persons living with multiple sclerosis (MS): Acritical analysis [Doctoral Dissertation, De Montfort University]. DeMontfort Open Research Archive.

Semlyen, J., & Rohleder, P. (2022). Critical psychology perspectives on LGBTQ+ mental health: current issues and interventions. Psychology and Sexuality, 13(5), 1105–1108.

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