About Periklis
Dr. Periklis Papaloukas
Who am I?
I am Dr. Periklis Papaloukas, and I am a psychologist specialising in physical and mental health issues.

Welcome to my website.

My personal definition of the identity of a psychologist is multi-dimensional and encompasses a range of services ranging from health and mental health counselling, education, and research in these areas, to corporate development.

A deep commitment to inclusion and diversity has shaped my experience. Throughout my career, I have been passionate about working with individuals from diverse minority backgrounds, providing individualised  suport to address the unique challenges they may face. Specialising in chronic illness (multiple sclerosis, cancer, HIV), I have provided comprehensive care to empower individuals to manage their health and well-being effectively. In addition, my practice is based on creating a welcoming and supportive environment for the LGBTQ+ community, ensuring a safe space for exploration and growth. Through these diverse experiences, I offer a compassionate and understanding approach to my work, fostering resilience and promoting holistic well-being for all my clients, regardless of their backgrounds.

As a dedicated academic and trainer, my interest in knowledge transfer translates into providing dynamic learning experiences and counseling for psychology students (undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral) and professionals in the context of adult education (e.g. improving interpersonal and psychological skills in the workplace).

Committed to advancing knowledge, I actively contribute to research in various areas of psychology, ensuring that my services are based on years of practical experience (link to these services). An integral part of my work is also the continuous interrelation between psychology research, practical experience and my adamant focus on high quality services provided.

I also offer specialist corporate training and training for adults on topics relevant to my area of expertise. I really believe that healthy work environments can be created through strong and healthy team dynamics characterized by mutual respect.

As my logo highlights, I believe that psychology, through individual therapy and self-awareness, psychoeducation, education in adults and in corporate environments opens the door to new meanings, new opportunities leading to the ultimate goal of life and professional fulfilment.

Navigate my website and contact me for more!
Brief Bio
I was born and raised in Cyprus. I obtained a degree in Psychology from the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Panteion University in Athens, Greece. The four years of study, with numerous courses in all fields of psychology, my degree thesis, and my internship as a trainee psychologist, gave me valuable knowledge and convinced me that Psychology is the proper professional occupation for me.

My interest in health promotion and the management of various health issues and their impact on mental health led me to England, where I continued my postgraduate studies, specifically an MSc in Health Psychology, at the Department of Psychology of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, in the University of Bath, a leading UK university with an international reputation for teaching and research excellence.

Having secured a scholarship from the university to explore LGBTQ+ health, following an international competitive competition, I continued my studies at PhD level at the School of Applied Social Sciences at De Montfort University in England (Ph.D. in Psychology), where I was awarded a PhD in Psychology. As part of my doctoral thesis (Title: The psychosocial experience of LGBTQ+ people living with multiple sclerosis), I studied the psychological and social impact and resilience of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and members of the LGBTQ+ community. My groundbreaking work has shed light on several aspects of the double oppression that results in a burden on the mental as well as physical health of these individuals but has also highlighted for the first time globally the variations between individuals and groups, highlighting the uniqueness of this experience.

This dissertation stood out among several doctoral studies in the UK. It was awarded the ‘Citations for Excellence' award for quality doctoral research in psychology by the British Psychological Society (BPS). However, my interest in psychology continues, and my continuing education is through attending various training programmes in Greece and abroad. At the present stage I wish to expand my knowledge and clinical skills further, and for that reason I am attending the two-year training programme in psychotherapy offered by the Institute of Psychology and Health (IPH), a reputable educational and clinical institution with many years of experience in psychology.

I have worked as a psychologist providing psychosocial support to vulnerable groups (e.g., refugees and asylum seekers, torture survivors) in Greece and Cyprus. Subsequently, I have worked as a researcher on psychosocial support programmes and psychosocial intervention programmes for people from minority groups funded by Public Health England.

At the same time, I have taught and continue to teach Psychology at the University level (to undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students) in England, Cyprus, and Greece. Finally, I worked in education, the corporate sector, and the implementation of European programmes as a Senior Project Manager and Team Leader for projects related to psychology and education.

I hold a license to practice as a psychologist from the Region of Attica for the entirety of Greece (866009/12-7-2023). At the same time, I am a regular member of the Association of Greek Psychologists (SEPS), the Greek scientific-professional body of psychologists (Registration No. 3257).

For me, psychology is not just a profession that needs passion, but must be coloured by a high sense of duty and social contribution.